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Gibson BR - 6 Vintage 1940s/50s Lap Steel Guitar - ZeereeZ

Gibson BR-6 Vintage 1940s/50s Lap Steel Guitar

This 1940s-50s lap steel is from Gibsons Kalamazoo factory. 
Gibson Les Paul Standard 2000 Natural Rare Solid Body Guitar USA with OHSC - ZeereeZ

Gibson Les Paul Standard 2000 Natural Rare Solid Body Guitar USA with OHSC

Made in USA Year: 2000 9.9 lbs Minimal finish-thin coat of clear nitro sealer only allows the tonewoods to speak loud and clear. Acoustic voice is lively and resonant Maple...
Gibson Les Paul Studio Solid Body Electric Guitar Wine Red USA 1990 - ZeereeZ

Gibson Les Paul Studio Solid Body Electric Guitar Wine Red USA 1990

Body: This Gibson has a carved 3 piece maple top with a translucent wine red finish, black pickguard and mahogany body. Neck: The mahogany neck has a great 60s profile...